person using black laptop computer

Screw SEO, I’m Just Gonna Write About Fathering and Finances

I started this blog about 10 months ago with the desire to gain a readership interested in topics about fathering and finances. I wrote (checks notes) 16 articles and then suddenly stopped in October of 2023. Why?

Quite simply, I got caught up in the magic of SEO, otherwise known as ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It took forever to write the articles between trying to create the perfect title to even stuffing particular keywords into the body of text. I would even make the articles longer to get to the precious 1,000 word mark that the search engines like so much. The process, in a word, sucked.

person using macbook pro
Photo by faux

I enjoy writing and it is relatively easy for me to do. And that’s the crux of the matter. People want to read good, interesting, and, at least in this space, helpful content. Writing for the chance to rank in search results was soul sucking and not conducive to a good effort in the future.

So, I’m just going back to the original intent of why I started this site in the first place–to write about my experiences and thoughts on fathering and finances.

Here are some other things I’ll do: curse, get political, judge people, and give my unfiltered opinion. Look, if this website makes me any money in the future–great. If it doesn’t, then that’s fine, too. People have read the articles and I’d like to think I’ve given valuable insight to at least one person that otherwise wouldn’t have received if this site didn’t exist.

As you’ll eventually see, any money I gain from this site isn’t money I need to live. When my wife and I decided to not send our daughter and future children to daycare we knew there’d only be one way to do it–someone had to stay home. Seeing as my wife made about 1.5x what I did, the decision was relatively simple.

Have I struggled at times since becoming a largely stay-at-home dad? Sure. It would be weird if I didn’t. Fortunately, those struggles are not financial.

I am blessed to still do some political consulting, while also writing on a freelance basis and even do some online surveys. And ALL that money is invested as we prepare for retirement several decades from now and, hopefully, to give our children a head start that many people can only dream about.

My goal is not to sell you anything. My goal isn’t even to convince you of anything. I am going to highlight my experiences and give my opinions. It would be awesome if that resonates and turns into something.

Some people will be offended by my use of ‘colorful’ language and political slant. And that’s fine. If you want a warm, liberal view on things then there are plenty of sites you can go visit. If you want a cold, hard and conversation take on issues as important as being a fathering and managing finances then you’ve found your spot.

I will post articles on social media and continue to build an email list, but like most things in my life, I’m going to pace at the beat of my own drum.

If you’ve been here before, welcome back. If you are a first-time reader, welcome. I look forward to having you join me on this journey!

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