
A Recap of Baby-Related Expenses During The First Six Months

Not breaking news: Raising a baby is expensive. How expensive? Well, I keep a very meticulous personal budget each month. So I went back to look over how we spent our money on baby-related expenses for the first six months of my daughter’s life. While your situation certainly won’t be identical to mine, I wanted […]

white and red owl print diaper

Simple Tips To Save Money On Diapers

The Best Ways To Save Money On Diapers Like most people who are more interested in spending on things they want rather than things they need, I was eager to learn simple tips to save money on diapers. That’s because there are few things worse than forking over hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars spanning

man kissing woman's forehead white holding ultrasound photo

Our Experience Saving Money And Budgeting For Pregnancy

Our experience saving money for pregnancy is that you can never be fully prepared for what will happen, including the creation of a foolproof budget. There are just too many factors to take into account. As shown in the very first article on this site that highlighted my fatherhood journey, my wife and I are, by our very nature,

a baby is laying on a blue blanket

How Much Newborn Clothing Do I Need To Buy

One of the best experiences pre-parenthood is going shopping for newborn clothes that you are sure will help make your daughter adorable or son handsome. I will admit, it truly never gets old. However, an important question parents typically ask is, “how much newborn clothing do I need to buy?” Before we get to get

person holding fan of 100 us dollar bill

The New Father’s Guide To Improving Personal Finance

For most men, becoming a parent is as easy as putting object A into slot B. Unfortunately, a father improving their personal finance is not as simple and a hell of a lot less fun. Fortunately, I am here to provide a new father’s guide to improving personal finance. This article is meant to give

white and gold ceramic unicorn figurine near coins

How To Set Your Baby Up For Financial Success

One of the goals my parents had was to raise financially-literate kids. After all, as I highlighted in a previous article, money plays a big role in just about everything we do, so why wouldn’t you strive to set your baby up for financial success? And while money isn’t the end all be all, as adults

brown wallet

How To Take Advantage Of Cash Back Credit Cards

Cash back credit cards can be one of the best or worst financial tools at your disposal. If used properly, they will result in hundreds, if not thousands, of additional dollars coming back to you on purchases you were going to make regardless. If used poorly, they’ll trap you into a cycle of high-interest debt.

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Why I Love My Walmart+ Subscription

As I went from my 20s to 30s, I started better appreciating convenience over wasting my time. That was on display one day when, as if it were a gift from God himself, Walmart+ was recommended to me by one of my brothers. I am such a big fan of it that I wanted to

person using black laptop computer

Screw SEO, I’m Just Gonna Write About Fathering and Finances

I started this blog about 10 months ago with the desire to gain a readership interested in topics about fathering and finances. I wrote (checks notes) 16 articles and then suddenly stopped in October of 2023. Why? Quite simply, I got caught up in the magic of SEO, otherwise known as ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It